Hard-shelled Gourds

mold on gourd
They fool you, these beauties. Beneath the mold and dirt, they are waiting to be found.

When a friend first told me he thought gourds and I would be a “good fit,” I took one look a the moldy, dusty drying shapes and wondered what on earth about them was a good fit (and what that meant about me!).  

But it didn’t take long for me to fall in love.  Beneath the mold and dust, they cry to be of use–and have been, for thousands of years–for containers, for music, for religious purposes, and for art.  

I love their potential, and that you don’t know what a gourd wants to be, until it tells you, with its feel, its heft, its shape and its patterns.  

painted gourd

gourd with dolphins

gourd with whale

dolphins on gourd

gourd with leather lacing

leaves on gourd


dolphins on gourd

gourd with turquoise and gold

gourd with morning glories

gourd with children

children on gourd