This is kind of a mush-pot of  some of my favorite non-two-dimensional ways to have fun with color and design (I suspect I’m not finished creating new desires for things to learn before I’ve actually become expert in anything I already do)!

painted river rocks
Little Thank Yous



Hard-shelled gourds have been used as containers, decorations and for religious purposes for thousands of years.   Here are some of my attempts   

I think the first time I ever did anything with fabric, I was five, under my mother’s tutelage.  Marrying machine- and hand-sewing to images has become a particular joy through the years. Take a look…

There has to be a good reason to cover perfectly lovely wood grain with paint.  But, sometimes a piece of furniture needs a face lift, or sometimes, its just that a little color is what the doctor ordered. See?

Drawing and painting on three dimensional items is interesting.  Doing it on canvas shoes is both relaxing and joy-inducing.  The shape of the shoe, its future wearer, and my mood determine the outcome.  Here are some of them

The first time I saw broken pottery mosaic, I was hooked.  I love the color, the fact that no two can be alike, and the imperfection.  I’ve made some to hang, some for the garden, and some to set on a tabletop.  See what you think.