I am told that I have “so many projects going on at one time.” 

Perhaps somewhat defensively, I maintain this is only partially true.  I really do try to actively work on only one thing at a time.  That said, I will admit to there being a fair number of “potential projects” living in various planning stages in my head, or on my laptop, or in my closet, awaiting a visit from the Muse to push them into fruition.

A couple of months ago, I decided I wanted to create some little fabric yard banners.  I knew I wanted to paint them on canvas, and had an idea of where I would be placing the completed ones, but I had to wait for the actual designs to make themselves known to me,  and for the time and opportunity in which to be able to spread out and work.

  Also, one more thing.  I had to learn how to do this. 

(Just so you know, that continues to be the best part of the ongoing adventure for me.)

Inspired by my earlier rock-painting adventure, I began searching anew for just the right thing to put in the memorial corner.  I happened upon a line from Alfred Lord Tennyson that I thought would be perfect to put on a flag in that space.  They could fit as words that would honor loved ones who had passed. And—hooray—the quote was in the public domain, for copyright purposes). 

  • Project materials:
  • Use for the project:
  • Inspiration for the project:
  • Time to figure it out:

Ready, set, go!


I loved adding this little flag to the memorial corner; the words speak to the fact that my thoughts are so very often filled with memories of these people.

It also calls to mind, though, that my heart-garden is filled with the grateful awareness of many living folks in my life, as well, and that I must cultivate that gratitude daily.  Even more importantly, I must remember to let those people know that. Putting a quote on some decorated fabric is no substitute for actual connections, after all. I can’t let the “so many projects” in my head, run over the so many loves who live in my heart. 

4 thoughts on “Flowers, Family, and Friends

  1. Oh my goodnes………………all your efforts has come together in perfect harmony! All your loved ones are amazed by your creativity.

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