Resolving to create words or art regularly for a blog was my most recent effort at “self-improvement.” And making that public to friends and family was my way of seeking accountability.  

And yet, here I am, at the end of March, with nary a thing shared.  I could explain this by way of some recent and significant draws on my time (of both the sorrowful and joyful types), but, really, most of that would be more excuse-making and would result in more self-recrimination, and no more certainty that quitting would not still happen in the near future. Today, I’m putting one decidedly tentative toe back out there, and–without excuse or apology to myself or to any dear ones reading this–saying, “Hello, from the vantage point of March, 2021!”

What more apropos image for myself than the one above, then?  And here are some others that I recently worked on, as well. 

The back story is that I have been on the hunt for words that are in the public domain, and, therefore, safe to quote or publish, and have lately been in the mood to use ink and art paper to make note cards, or framed work (any thoughts on that, friends?). 



you are special collage

I would not wish any other companion than you

one word frees us